Held in Toledo on September 17 and 18, the XXV Interparliamentary of the PP brought together the national, regional and european parliamentarians of the party, in a meeting organized to draw the main lines of an electoral program coordinated at these three levels.

Under the motto “At the height of a great country”, during the weekend deputies, senators, regional and european parliamentarians shared perspectives, information and experiences in order to gradually put together a solid proposal, up to the challenges facing Spain .

Inaugurated by the general secretary and closed by President Feijóo, the conclave distributed the work in different tables to address the preparation of this programmatic proposal by sector. Six work tables were dedicated to the study of proposals on, respectively, economic challenges, freedom and equality, democratic quality, green growth, public services and the Spain of the autonomies.

Javier Zarzalejos spoke at table 2 on “freedom and equality in the Spain we want”, chaired by Juan Jesús Vivas, president of the Autonomous City of Ceuta and coordinated by Dolors Monserrat, spokesperson for the European People’s Parliamentary Group. He was accompanied at the table by the spokesperson for the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Cortes of Castilla-La Mancha, Lola Merino; the spokesperson for the Popular Parliamentary Group in the Parliament of the Balearic Islands, Toni Costa and the Senator of the Popular Parliamentary Group, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho.