As part of a trip organized by the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament, on September 19, Zarzalejos visited the main headquarters of the European Union agency in police matters.

During the day, the MEP had the opportunity to meet with the Director of Europol, Catherine De Bolle, as well as with the Deputy Executive Director of Operations, Jean-Philippe Lecouffe.

The different teams of the Agency informed the MEP about the implementation process of the reform of the Regulation that regulates the operation of Europol, of which Zarzalejos was the main rapporteur and which entered into force on June 28.

The MEP was also informed about the different activities that Europol is carrying out in relation to the war in Ukraine, and especially with regard to human trafficking and, in particular, sexual exploitation.

Zarzalejos was also able to meet with those responsible for the bodies of the European Cybercrime Center (EC3), the Europol Innovation Center and the European Center for Financial and Economic Crimes (EFECC).