On October 26, MEP Javier Zarzalejos, together with MEP Juan Ignacio Zoido, participated in the presentation of the book “España en su laberinto” by José Manuel García-Margallo and Fernando Eguidazu Palacios.

With a warm presentation by Mr. Zoido, Mr. García-Margallo and Mr. Zarzalejos answered several questions in relation to the various topics covered in this book, which mainly draws a parallel between past events and the Spain news.

Regarding the question of when Spain began to deteriorate, MEP Javier Zarzalejos replied that it was when we Spaniards stopped seeing our history as a success story.

It was then, the MEP stressed, when we began to assimilate our History in a distorted way, considering that the Restoration was a failure, that nationalisms —even those that made use of force— were legitimizing and disqualifying the Transition by appealing to a defective democracy and illegitimate.

Zarzalejos recalled Julián Marías’ definition of the democratic system, “harmony without agreement”, to characterize the great challenge of recovering the institutional strength and political moderation of Spain.

Finally, Mr. Zarzalejos stressed that despite the various economic crises that Spain has gone through and that have led to a rise in populism, fortunately, we do not have a society that opts for extremes.