Last Wednesday, October 26, MEP Javier Zarzalejos received in the European Parliament a group of students from the Master’s in International and European Business Law of the Comillas Pontifical University, directed by Professor Adam Dubin.

Most of the students were not European citizens, so the MEP introduced them to some of the most relevant issues facing Europe today.

From the new global order —or rather, as Mr. Zarzalejos has pointed out, the new global disorder—, with a Russia with which, as we can see with the war, we have seen that history is extremely prone to repeating itself, and a framework in which relations with the United States have weakened, in large part due to the priority of relations with Asia-Pacific, in particular with a China that is no longer just a significant agent in world production, but plays a role increasingly influential in socio-economic relations with the European Union.

Likewise, the MEP has indicated three essential steps that the European Union must carry out to face the current crisis. First, we must strive to achieve greater energy independence. Secondly, Mr. Zarzalejos has pointed out the worrying statistics regarding the European population, with a great shortage of labor in many sectors due to a high rate of elderly people, a particularly relevant problem in Spain. Finally, the MEP has pointed out the need to create and retain talent.

Finally, Mr. Zarzalejos has underlined the difficult role in which European politics finds itself today, where polarization seems to be the norm in several countries. The MEP has also answered the students’ questions in relation to these issues.