Promoted by the Ministry of Presidency, Justice and Interior of the Community of Madrid and its Commissioner for Victims and organized by the MEPs Gabriel Mato and Javier Zarzalejos, on November 30 the Conference “The European protection of victims of terrorism: the role of institutions and civil society”, was held in the European Parliament

At the inauguration, Javier Zarzalejos wanted to emphasize that the European Parliament “has never been insensitive to the major issues that affect the victims of terrorism” and this has been demonstrated by its parliamentary activity; “From the directives on terrorism and victims and reports on human rights to the mission to Spain to analyze the situation of the more than 300 unsolved crimes committed by ETA”.

Likewise, he assured that the revision of the victims’ directive will mean a new impetus for the recognition of the singularity of the victims of terrorism, especially their right to dignity, which in Spain translates into avoiding and punishing acts of exaltation.

“The tributes to ETA members seek to reverse the story that is very clear: where were the executioners, where were the victims and what has been the suffering of people who, without any fault, were sacrificed by those who wanted to destabilize and end democracy In our country.”

For his part, MEP Gabriel Mato conveyed to the victims “deep solidarity” from the European Parliament and summarized the requests they made during the day: “comprehensive reparation for the victims, political will on the part of the government to apply the laws and count their story and a clear no to prescription and oblivion”.

He also stressed the request of the victims to “recover the sanity that unfortunately has been lost” and the symbol that was Miguel Ángel Blanco and the spirit of Ermua now on the 25th anniversary of his murder.

The day was closed by the PP spokeswoman in Brussels, Dolors Montserrat, who defended that the terrorists and their political arms do not have the slightest weight in society or in politics or decision-making. You never negotiate with those who have not condemned terrorism and have among their ranks members of a bloody terrorist gang”.

Enrique López, Minister of the Presidency, Justice and the Interior, also participated in the conference as an organizer, who guaranteed that the Community of Madrid “has never been and will never be indifferent to the pain of those who have directly or indirectly suffered the consequences of terrorism” and recalled that It has been a capital “hit repeatedly and hard by terrorism for more than fifty years.”