The Spanish Delegation of the Group of the European People’s Party inaugurated last Wednesday, November 30, the first Nativity scene that the European Parliament has exhibited in its history. During the Event “A Birth in the heart of the Christian roots and traditions of Europe in the European Parliament”, several MEPs participated, as well as European commissioners and other personalities.

The Nativity scene has been made expressly for the European Parliament by the master craftsmen of the Jesús Griñán workshop, from the Region of Murcia, which has exhibited nativity scenes all over the world and has great international recognition. The inauguration also featured live Christmas carols by the group from Cádiz “Al son de Paterna”.

In her speech, the spokeswoman for the PP in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, highlighted the importance of, “after much insistence, there being a Nativity scene to celebrate Christmas in the house of European democracy. And if it has been achieved, it is thanks to an initiative of the Spanish Popular Party and Isabel Benjumea, who has been fighting it for a long time. Montserrat added: “this is much more than a brilliant work of art made with a lot of effort and dedication, we are here to celebrate the birth of Christianity, our traditions and also to claim the historical legacy of Europe and the Christian roots, of the European Union ”. The popular spokesperson wanted to especially remind “Christians who are persecuted and massacred, who cannot express their faith freely because they do not have religious freedom. We also fight for them from here, so that the EU does not look the other way while there is a single Christian persecuted for thinking or believing”.

For her part, MEP Isabel Benjumea —the promoter of the initiative— stressed the importance of celebrating the “undeniable Christian roots of Europe” in such an emblematic place as the European Parliament. “We have done this simply and naturally. With the own simplicity that the Nativity transmits; with the naturalness of placing our traditions at the center of Parliament”, added the MEP.

Finally, the president of the Region of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, also spoke, who has shown his “pride” because “the European Parliament has a Nativity scene and that this is from the Region of Murcia, where we have excellent teachers and artisans, and especially Jesús Griñán, who stands out worldwide”.