On the 21st, Javier Zarzalejos took part in the closing ceremony of the FAES project on “a renewed agenda for Latin America” in Madrid.

In his presentation of the event, Zarzalejos mentioned four crises that are simultaneously affecting the region and which have been of interest to FAES in this project: institutional, geopolitical, indebtedness and security. He reviewed the objectives of the project: the analysis of the strategy of the populist left in LATAM, as well as that of external actors (China and Russia); the diagnosis of Europe’s relations with the region and the need for a redefinition of European policy in this area; the role of Spain, or the need to promote a large “Atlantic area of prosperity”.

Zarzalejos acknowledged the divergence of political cycles in Latin America and Europe, but emphasized that it is in these circumstances when it is most appropriate to “renew the objectives for the future”, recalling that any possibility of development in the region depends on political and economic stability, institutional solidity and the development of the rule of law. Zarzalejos ended his presentation by recalling the events that have made up the project, as well as its conclusions.

After that, he moderated a conversation between the former Prime Minister of Spain and president of FAES Foundation, José María Aznar, and the Ibero-American Secretary General, Andrés Allamand, which brought the event to an end and closed the project.