On Wednesday, April 26, MEP Javier Zarzalejos held a meeting with the CEU Center for Studies, Training and Social Analysis (CEU-CEFAS) on his new report on the influence of China in Latin America, and on the challenges facing the European Union in this area. The meeting was organized by Popular MEP Isabel Benjumea, and was attended by other MEPs from the Spanish Delegation of the EPP.

CEU-CEFAS is made up of academics and experts who share their knowledge in favor of the population, working to build a society based on the values of Christian humanism and respect for the dignity of the person.

The authors of the report published in April of this year are Guillermo Moya García Renedo, CEU-CEFAS collaborator, and Eduardo Puig de la Bellacasa Aznar, CEU-CEFAS International Head for the Americas. Among the topics covered in the report are the economic, sociocultural, geostrategic and political perspective of China’s relations with Latin America, and China’s influence in the media.

The report notes China’s increasing political and cultural presence in the region, becoming an alternative reference model to the West. Among the topics discussed at the meeting was the reflection on the role that Western powers should play in a region with which they share history, culture, language and ties that go beyond trade relations.