Last Thursday, November 16, MEP Javier Zarzalejos received in the European Parliament a group of students from the University Francisco de Vitoria.

The MEP had a conversation with the students about the current challenges facing the European Union and European citizenship as a whole, as well as explaining the importance of the European Parliament as a democratic chamber.

On the other hand, Zarzalejos emphasized that we are in an era where our peace is constantly under threat, and which is characterized by a normalization of the crisis, rather than it being the exception. However, the MEP also wanted to recognize the capacity of Europe and of the European Union in particular to face these challenges and, he stressed, the Union’s own resilience.

Javier Zarzalejos also pointed out what in his opinion are the main challenges for the future and the present for the Union: the definition of its position in the new geopolitical and strategic world context, the policies of dynamization and reforms to recover growth and competitiveness, the consolidation of the Union as a State of Law and a democratic space, and how to face the demographic crisis and its consequences.