Javier Zarzalejos prefaces the book “The protection of the constitutional order in Europe” that has just been published edited with the support of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the European Parliament.

Zarzalejos has promoted the production of a volume that collects -under the direction of Josep Maria Castellà Andreu, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Barcelona- contributions from top-level academics in the field of Political Law.

The eight chapters of the book deal in depth and with the utmost rigour, highly topical issues that have featured -and will continue to do so- in debates of the greatest depth and political significance both in Spain and in the rest of Europe: from the theoretical approach on the very concept of defending the constitutional order, passing through the constitutional reform and the intangibility clauses, the new challenges for the defense of constitutional democracy, constitutional emergency situations in the EU, the protection of national unity and integrity against attempts at secession in Comparative Law and criminal protection of the Spanish constitutional order, to a final chapter dedicated to education and constitutional order.

As its back cover announces, “in times of erosion of the institutions of constitutional democracy and the rule of law and the approval of legislative and even constitutional reforms by governments and populist majorities, it is not only convenient but also necessary to consider how to deal with such political and constitutional crises.

The academic solvency of the authors of the texts that make up the volume and the height of their reflection make this editorial novelty, from the moment of its publication, a reference book in its field, whose “best recommendation”, as Zarzalejos affirms in the prologue, “it’s your chance.”

La solvencia académica de los autores de los textos que integran el volumen y la altura de su reflexión convierten esta novedad editorial, desde el momento mismo de su publicación, en un libro de referencia en su ámbito, cuya “mejor recomendación”, como afirma Zarzalejos en el prólogo, “es su oportunidad”.