MEP Javier Zarzalejos has participated in the 'Miguel Ángel Blanco Summer School, organized
by New Generations of the PP and which this year has been held under the theme' The Spain
of the future '. Zarzalejos has participated in the round table entitled ‘Our political identity’,
where he has discussed with Andrea Levy, Pablo Montesinos and Edurne Uriarte.
Zarzalejos has assured that “Miguel Ángel Blanco is not a sad episode in the history of the PP.
It has become part of his identity, not because of how he died, killed by ETA, but because of
how he lived, committed to freedom from terror.” To this he added that "if Miguel Ángel
Blanco had been a nationalist, he would now live." That is the tremendous tragedy suffered in
the Basque Country by the constitutionalists. "

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