On March 10, MEP Javier Zarzalejos participated together with Fernando Arancón, director of ‘El Orden Mundial’ and María Andrés, director of the Office of the European Parliament in Spain, in the meeting ‘The Information War in the Invasion of Ukraine’, organized by the Office of the European Parliament in Spain.

In his speech, Zarzalejos wanted to highlight that “powers called revisionists that have emerged in the world are developing very intense activity in terms of disinformation in a very broad sense. There is no doubt that Russia and China appear as the main actors in these disinformation and influence strategies that have undoubtedly Western democracies as an objective”.

In his opinion, “in the case of Russia there is a very clear line in its disinformation strategy with a narrative of the West as a society in decline, a society without moral springs incapable of defending itself, and with representative institutions that no longer represent the society”.

He also stated that “it is clear that because of what is happening in Ukraine, Europe has woken up to the reality of disinformation, and to disinformation as an aggressive strategy.” “The Russian invasion in Ukraine is marking a new leap towards a perception in which all strategies of influence through digital media are incorporated, which can be called disinformation. We are waking up to a new reality that was already clearly warned,” he added.

The MEP also explained that this topic has been “analyzed through more than a year of work in the INGE Special Commission, which has produced a high-quality document, which is exhaustive in its analysis and has had the authority of investigative experts, which has placed the European Parliament at the forefront of the fight against disinformation and which marks a roadmap for European institutions and the different States.