Javier Zarzalejos attended on October 11 the event organized by the Spanish Delegation of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament to commemorate the Hispanic Day, which was attended, in addition to the Spanish popular MEPs, by the president of the PPE, Roberta Metsola , and the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno.

The event was inaugurated by the spokesperson for the PP in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, who highlighted how Spain is a leading country in many different fields: “We are the third country with the most World Heritage Sites; we are leaders in transplantation and organ donation for almost 30 years; the country that enjoys one of the highest life expectancy in the world; the country of gastronomy that conquers all palates; of the Mediterranean and orchard diet of Europe”.

Likewise, “we are the Spain that defeated the terrorist barbarity hand in hand with the sacrifice of the Police, Civil Guard and other public servants and the unity of Spanish society”, he continued.

Montserrat assured that “the Spain of today would not be understood without Europe. A country that not only shares European values, but also wants to export and defend them throughout the world, especially in Latin America”.

Next, the president, Roberta Metsola, recalled how “for centuries, Spain has been a motor of achievements in Europe. And today we cannot imagine the European Union and its institutions functioning without the contribution of Spain”. Metsola stressed that, although “we live in times of change and challenges, we have to be optimistic. I am optimistic and I believe that, thanks to Europe, with solid member countries like Spain, the world ahead of us will be better than the one we leave behind”.

In the closing ceremony, the Andalusian president, Juanma Moreno, expressed a feeling “profoundly Andalusian and profoundly Spanish” that Hispanic Day will make us “vibrate, feel and be moved and at the same time charge our batteries with positive energy to continue working for a Spain much better, stronger, more solid and more capable”. And, also, “for a more solid Europe, stronger and more capable of progressing and projecting well-being for the future of Europeans”.