MEP Javier Zarzalejos attended the presentation of the annual ‘World Watch’ report prepared by the NGO Open Doors (OD), which ranks the countries where Christians suffer the most persecution and discrimination. This year’s theme was “Iran: Oppression and not freedom…”, with Iranian lawyer Dabrina Bet-Tamraz as speaker-expert.

The report was presented by Wimco Ester, Advocate at Open Doors Netherlands, and Patrick Viktor, Director of Open Doors France, who emphasized that persecution of Christians is increasing exponentially (up 22% since 2014), as well as highlighting that in 2022 alone, 5,621 Christians were killed due to their religious beliefs. Also speaking (remotely) was Anastasia Hartman, European Union Advocate at Open Doors International.

For her part, Bet-Tamraz focused her presentation on the situation of Christians in Iran, recounting her personal experience as a victim not only of persecution, but also explaining how she had been continually threatened with rape and murder. On the other hand, she explained that of the few minorities that are recognized by law in Iran, even they face many limitations in being able to practice their religion freely. She also criticized the Iranian government’s failure to comply with international human rights norms and conventions. Finally, the lawyer-expert called on the European Union to cut all diplomatic ties with these regimes and, if this is not possible, at least to ensure during negotiations that Iran provides its citizens with their human rights and religious freedoms.

Miriam Lexmann, MEP, also spoke, highlighting the relevance of the numerous demonstrations as proof that the Iranian people continue to fight for freedom. Finally, Nicola Beer, MEP and special envoy of the European Parliament for the fight against religious discrimination, stressed that freedom of religion and belief is an inherent human right, and that in Europe we have to make it as visible as other rights.