On March 1st, MEP Javier Zarzalejos received in the European Parliament a group of first year high school students from the Corazonistas School of Vitoria.

The MEP began his speech to the visitors by stating that “they have known a European Union in crisis”. He also pointed out the fact that the Union is currently an essential element to maintain peace in Europe, and made a retrospective remark, emphasizing the objective with which the European Union was born: to eliminate the enmity between France and Germany, and from there to build a European area of prosperity and cooperation.

Zarzalejos pointed out the responsibility of the new generations, which is, he said, to continue building a European Union as a great organization to protect our prosperity and welfare. In this line, the MEP encouraged the visitors to see the European Union as their “natural sphere”, and encouraged them to broaden their horizons, so that they are not afraid to consider their professional future in the institutions, or in organizations related to the European project.

In addition, Javier Zarzalejos pointed out some practical recommendations on training for young people who want to dedicate themselves to the world of the European institutions. Firstly, the MEP stressed the importance of languages.

Secondly, Javier Zarzalejos recommended reading about the history of the European Union and understanding the reasons why we have reached where we are today.

The MEP pointed to the fact that there is no future for the European Union separate from the commitment of its citizens and that, therefore, “Europe will be what European citizens want it to be”.

In addition, the MEP pointed to recent events in connection with the war in Ukraine. Zarzalejos pointed to the fact that currently we do not have a war on Europe’s doorstep, but we have a war in Europe, and it is in that context that many generations are asking themselves a big question: what is the future? The MEP stressed that neither prosperity, nor freedom, nor democratic institutions should ever be taken for granted. “They must be defended,” he added.

In conclusion, the MEP pointed out that the European reality concerns all its citizens and that, therefore, this should give them a completely different vision. In this line, Zarzalejos encouraged them to “put Europe in their future equation”, and pointed out the fact that “it is not a visit to Europe, but that they themselves are Europe”.