On November 30, Javier Zarzalejos received in the European Parliament a group of the Tocqueville Club, a civil society initiative to help update and disseminate the vision of a constitutionalist Catalonia that values the principles of the rule of law and liberal democracy.

In his speech, the MEP addressed the most sensitive issues for the whole of the European Union today. Thus, Zarzalejos highlighted the demographic and immigration issues in Europe. He also reiterated the efforts being made by the European Union and by the Parliament in particular in terms of digital transition and data protection.

On the other hand, Zarzalejos also highlighted the consolidation of the Union as a State of Law as one of the greatest challenges of the Union, pointing out that democracies are still a minority in the world and that Europe will have to redefine its position in the new geopolitical and strategic global context. On economic matters, the MEP emphasized the need to regain competitiveness and recover growth.

Finally, Zarzalejos gave way to a question and answer session and, afterwards, the attendees were able to visit the hemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels.